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India’s Hunger Crisis Worse Than Bangladesh, Nepal

Reductions in the prevalence of undernourishment, child stunting, child mortality and child wasting (low weight for height) have led to the improvement in Global Hunger Ind...

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Improving Rural Health Care, One Boat Trip At A Time

More than 10 years ago, Sanjoy Hazarika heard about the death of a mother in a remote island in Assam, a state in northeast India, because she couldn’t get to the hos...

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India must be active in Lima climate change talks: Experts

India must get actively get involved in the climate change talks to be held in Peru next month, expressing how much it wants as its share in the "carbon budget", or the cou...

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India reduces hunger, moves up 8 ranks in global index

In a pat on the back for the erstwhile UPA Government’s flagship programmes, the Global Hunger Index 2014 (GHI) has noted a significant improvement in the levels of h...

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Hidden Hunger: A Silent Epidemic

The Global Hunger Index report recommends returning to traditional diets comprising locally available, biodiverse food to overcome growing under-nutrition The global hunger...

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India less committed to reducing hunger than Nepal or Bangladesh

ndia ranked 19th among 45 developing countries assessed by UK-based organization India has made quite some progress in countering hunger and under-nutrition in the past two...

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28 States prepare climate action plans

An analysis of state action plans to combat climate change reveal a lack of innovative approaches and a high variation in budgets apart from the fact that many did not move...

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A new survey sponsored by POLITICO WOMEN, American University and Loyola Marymount University, finds that the last election in the United States of America, has mobil...

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