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Tribal Communities Protest Changes In Jharkhand Land Laws

Land right activists claim that recent amendments make it easier for land sharks to grab tribal land.Last year in May, when the Jharkhand government announced to remove han...

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Scientists Are Using the Enzyme That Makes Fireflies Glow to Track Brain Cells

Fireflies and other bioluminescence-producing species (e.g. bacteria, jellyfish, worms, sharks) create light through a chemical reaction in their body catalyzed by an enzym...

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Leonardo Dicaprio Speaks At 2016 Our Ocean Conference

Last month, Leonardo DiCaprio spoke about the issues facing oceans at the 2016 Our Ocean Conference in Washington, D.C. hosted by Secretary of State John Kerry. T...

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Malaysia Wants Sharks For Divers, Not For Soup

Malaysia will officially establish the biggest Marine Protected Area (MPA) in the country in June.The Tun Mustapha Park will occupy 1.6 million hectares of seascape, includ...

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Ecuador Creates Galapagos Marine Sanctuary To Protect Sharks

Ecuador has created a new marine sanctuary in the Galápagos Islands that will offer protection to the world’s greatest concentration of sharks.
Some 15,00...

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Warm Ocean Temperatures Helped Make 2015 A Record Year For Shark Attacks

Increasingly warm waters around the globe due to climate change and El Niño led to the highest number of shark attacks ever recorded in 2015, according to data relea...

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As Many As 11,000 Sharks Are Killed By Humans Every Hour

Since early June, sharks have attacked eight people off the coast of North Carolina. The victims range in age from 8 to nearly 70, and two people ? teens attacked on June 1...

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Champion Big Wave Surfer Maya Gabeira Stars In New Oceana PSA

To celebrate World Oceans Day on June 8, Oceana, the largest international ocean conservation organization, released a new public service announcement (PSA) starring Brazil...

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Empowering the kings and queens of the roads

The year 2010 turned out to be unexpectedly special for Aishwarya Raman (23) and Anubhav Agrawal. Aishwarya, a student of sociology at MOP Vaishnav College, was in her fina...

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