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Josh Duhamel Joins PetSmart Charities(R) to Shine a Spotlight on Homeless Pets

Pet Smart Charities has teamed up with actor/producer Josh Duhamel and his production company, Dakotakid Media, to launch Rescue Waggin’®: Tales from the Road. Un...

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Sun is the leading cause of our climate change

In an Antarctic rescue of global warming believers that can only be described as poetic, the headlines keep on coming. Activists, researchers and journalists of the Russian...

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Breaking News: There Is Ice In Antarctica

The stranded research vessel, Academic Shokalskiy, in Antarctica has created awareness on the amount of ice in the area and its implications for sea levels. Image: IB Times...

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Bob Barker Welcomes Elephants to San Andreas Sanctuary

Former ‘Price is right’ host Bob Barker pays nearly $1 million to rescue 3 elephants Read more Read More

With over 400 people being rescued just south of Sicily in 2 days, the Mediterranean Migrant Crisis is worse than it has ever been, with government officials going as far as to call the Mediterranean a ‘cemetery’

Italy and Malta pressed European partners on Saturday to do more to stop a migrant crisis which the Maltese prime minister said was turning the Mediterranean into a “...

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