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Ricky Martin Speaks Out For Arctic 30, Continues Work To End Human Trafficking

The busy pop superstar finished off his week by raising the profile of humanitarian causes close to his heart.

On Thursday Martin added his voice to that of ma...

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Rotary member and polio survivor Ramesh Ferris shares how ending polio will impact global health

“As a polio survivor, I’ve made it my mission to help bring life-saving vaccines to all children. I was born in India, where I contracted polio as a six-month-o...

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Obama: I take full responsibility for fixing health site

US President Barack Obama has accepted “full responsibility” for ensuring the troubled healthcare website gets fixed.

Speaking in Boston, he said he was...

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Investors sound the alarm on climate change

Why a coalition worth $3 trillion is calling on the oil, gas, coal, and energy industries to reassess the risks of a warming planet:

If human-cause...

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Pupils of a lesser God

Zuhaib, a student of mass communication at Jamia Millia Islamia University says that because of the lockdown all his classes are now online. Hi...

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The story of Sapan Krishnan, who has featured in ads and films, and waits to attain stardom without the mandatory round of sexual favours and d...

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