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“To Be or Not To Be”

Nature gives the gift of life.

Law gives the right to life.

Who is to grant, not to live?

It is often a cause of wonderment why human ashes are grey...

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Of New Years And Shifting Gears

This article comes at a month’s end, kick-starting my second year with this wonderful organization and leaving me contemplative of the films that have released. Since...

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Television’s Otherwise Abled People

When it comes to portraying a mentally imbalanced person on the screen, and I am referring to television, there is a misconception that any character that has retardation i...

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2015 Could Be Year For Sustainable Development & Investment

A new report published by the United Nations Environmental Programme, the third progress report from their Inquiry into the Design of a Sustainable Financial System, highli...

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4 Reasons Why It Is Great To Be An Indian Woman in 2015

Optics are great for “women’s empowerment”. For the euphoria, the hope and the promise they bring. Like a self-reflecting selfie, they become a commitment...

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Mind Over Matter

We have a sort of ostrich-effect approach to mental illness. Bury your heads in sand from the impending danger or the unpalatable around you and it ceases to exist. That th...

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Save The Children Action Network Praises Obama's Call For Investing In Children

Save the Children Action Network commends President Obama for prioritizing the needs of children in his State of the Union address. This is the third consecutive year the P...

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“The Eichmann Show” Co-produced by Sheetal Talwar garners rave reviews

Mumbai, 23rd January, 2015: Acclaimed British actor who was last seen in ‘The Hobbit’ recently showcased his latest feature ‘The...

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Aamir Khan to join global initiative

India is a signatory to the programme and Aamir is the representative from India several personalities across the globe have signed the initiative to make a better tomorrow...

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Women, Newborns and Health: Today’s Evidence, Tomorrow’s Post-2015 Agenda

2014 was an inspiring year for those fighting for women’s rights and better access to health and education, with global campaigns such as #HeForShe launched by Goodwi...

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