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Research shows a link between Severe Anaemia and Maternal Death

New research has used one of the largest available datasets on pregnant women to investigate the risk of death associated with anaemia. Recentl...

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LifeStraw to provide Clean Water to Kenyan Kids

According to a joint report by the World Health Organization and UNICEF, across the world, 844 million people l...

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Technology to help tackle Human Crises

Driven by war and fragile states, over 65 million people worldwide are forcibly displaced. The majority of them...

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New Interactive Tool Brings Climate Change Closer to Home

Wouldn't it be perfect to have an interactive tool that could teach you more about climate change and how it is...

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Love lost in Yesteryear’s Prem Nagar

Prem Nagar – a lovers’ lane – has gone under. That one spot shielded from voyeuristic eyes by...

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Volunteers to add overlooked Stories of Women to Wikipedia

Our culture has a glaring tendency to elevate the achievements of men over the achievements of women. In fact, ...

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Schools fail to give Quality Education to our Children

If asked who would perform better in academics between urban and rural area children, the answer one would gene...

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AI to help foresee Epidemic Disease Outbreaks

There have already been some powerful indicators of Artificial Intelligence’s influence to help monitor a...

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Drought Ridden Somalians Now Face A Famine

2017 was not Somalia's year. While they did inaugurate a new president and parliament in a historic election pr...

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Women and Men who risk Death Everyday

Manual scavenging is one of deadliest occupations in the world, and starkest examples of the continuing blight ...

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