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A Psychologist Is Trying To Use Genetics To Predict If Therapy Will Work

“How treatment is allocated is still relatively random,” said Dr Thalia Eley, professor of developmental behavioural genetics, and one of the lead scientists of...

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What Would A Global Warming Increase Of 1.5c Be Like?

In Paris, delegates called on the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC) to report on the implications of a 1.5C target. They want the job done by...

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This App Helps Citizens Report Deadly Mosquito Sightings

For the past two years, Spanish citizens have been using an app dubbed ‘Mosquito Alert’ to report sightings and breeding grounds of Aedes albopictus, or Tiger m...

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Australian Rodent Is First Mammal Made Extinct By Human-Driven Climate Change, Scientists Say

Australia — Australian researchers say rising sea levels have wiped out a rodent that lived on a tiny outcrop in the Great Barrier Reef, in what they say is the first...

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Is It Ethical To Grow Human Organs Inside Animal Chimeras?

Scientists are now working on a technique that would allow human organs to be grown inside pigs. The DNA within a pig embryo that enables it to grow a pancreas is deleted, ...

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American Scientists Want To Manufacture Synthetic Human Genomes

It’s only been 13 years since scientists at National Human Genome Research Institute finished sequencing the human genome, but now another group of American scientist...

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Report Says Huge Sections Of Australia's Great Barrier Reef Are Dead

Mass coral bleaching has destroyed at least 35 percent of the northern and central Great Barrier Reef, a major blow to the World Heritage Site that attracts about $3.59 bil...

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The Battle Against Superbugs

The sugar-loving Klebsiella pneumoniae, that resembles a squished-up earplug, can strike fear into the hearts of surgeons and scientists. The bacterium can repel even the m...

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Stonehenge, Easter Island, Venice: Climate Change Will Destroy Human History

Cultural heritage sites are beacons of our remarkable legacy as a species. They’re as diverse and complex as humanity itself, which is why UNESCO has designated 802 o...

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Australia Scrubbed From UN Climate Change Report After Government Intervention

Every reference to Australia was scrubbed from the final version of a major UN report on climate change after the Australian government intervened, objecting that the infor...

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