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Jessica Chastain on being a Spokesperson for Women in Film

An enormous talent onscreen, Jessica Chastain has become a fierce advocate for women’s rights offscreen as well. Whether on her personal Twitter account or...

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Shashi Kapoor - The Actor Without Airs Is No More

Shashi Kapoor, born as Balbir Prithviraj Kapoor, who was adored as the Adonis of Hindi Cinema and hailed as an actor with a global appeal of his own is no more. The embodim...

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Sweekar: The Rainbow Parents’ of LGBTQ Children form a Support Group in Mumbai

The second meeting of the Parents Support Group was held recently in Mumbai with even greater participation of parents of LGBTQ children. The daylong meeting was attended b...

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The Little Directors of Dr Shravan Kumar

Dr. Shravan Kumar, CEO, Children’s Film Society, India says,“Our concept of Little Directors has been one of the most unique experiments anywhere in the wor...

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Take the Stairs to get the Stares

Starting today, healthy living is within your reach. Sure, healthy living is a long-term commitment, not a flash-in-the-pan fad. But there are steps you can take right now ...

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Landmarks in Women's Rights – A Struggle full of Highs and Lows

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed women can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead<...

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Global Goals – the big fight against Global poverty

Goalkeepers17, the event hosted by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, brought together a generation of determined thinkers, doers and givers, sharing their work an...

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The Price we pay for ‘The Love of Chocolate’

Reporters have travelled across Ivory Coast where the main cocoa plantation business takes place. They documented rainforests cleared for cocoa plantation, villages and far...

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Sustaining our Development

The CEO of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Sue Desmond-Hellmann spoke to, discussing the need to provide healthcare to India's poor to achieve the susta...

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Sridhar Rangayan – Taking The LGBTQ Discourse From His Personal To The Political

I’ve known him for years, but Sridhar has become a dear friend in the last few years, from the time that we launched the Asian Cen...

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