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#MeToo – Do Sexual Harassers keep Good Science from Happening?

 Boston University (BU) is investigating sexual harassment complaints made against a prominent Antarctic geologist by two of his former graduate students. The women al...

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Why Thunderstorms are Occurring more Frequently all over the World?

Each year, many people are killed or seriously injured by severe thunderstorms despite the advance warning. While severe thunderstorms are most common in the spring and sum...

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‘Horror’ recognised at the London Film Festival 2017

“For a long time, there was something missing from the London Film Festival, an audience they weren't serving”, saysMichael Blyth, the curator of the Cult stran...

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The Theory of Why Teenagers Take Risks More Than Adults

Research has always said that teens might be making bad and risky decisions because their brain is not fully developed at that age, but Dr. Dan Romer and his colleagues at ...

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Meet the ultimate Afro-Puerto-Rican Superwoman - La Borinquena!

Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez is a writer at Marvel Entertainment. His character La Borinqueña, named after the island nation’s anthem has grown into a cultural ph...

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A Pill a Day keeps your Periods Away…

“Why the hell am I bleeding every three weeks if I don't have to be?” is the question most women on hormonal birth control pills ask. ‘Withdrawal bleeding...

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Apocalypse Now? ... Or Never!

“The time to answer the greatest challenge of our existence on this planet is now. You can make history or be vilified by it.” - Leonardo Di Caprio


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A Dope for Disjointed

Netflix has come up with an interesting promotional gimmick to accompany its new series named 'Disjointed'; the streaming service has teamed up with a pot dispensary to sel...

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KASHISH Forward travels to Bengaluru

Filmmaker & activist Sridhar Rangayan will host screening of India’s ‘KASHISH Forward’ at his home ...

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Losing our Lakes

Lonar Lake in Maharashtra is rapidly shrinking in size, researchers have found. The lake, situated in the Buldhana district near Amravati in central India, has recorded a d...

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