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WHO approves experimental Ebola drugs, Canada decides to donate 1,000 doses

Amid the controversy over clinical trials of possible cure to Ebola, the World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday authorised the use of experimental drugs to fight Ebola....

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Ebola and Climate Change: Are Humans Responsible for the Severity of the Current Outbreak?

The army base, a cut of cleared land amidst a thick, verdant, unnamed jungle, is filled with soldiers and locals, dead or dying of a mystery disease. A pile of bodies burns...

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This Pill Can Stop HIV – But Why Is No One Taking It?

The drug that could end the HIV pandemic is already here. Branded Truvada, this pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) prevents HIV infection by blocking the virus’s ability...

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South Africa Leads in HIV Prevention Among Gay Groups

As homophobic discrimination continues to sweep across the African continent, we should be acutely mindful of the diverse ways it harms societies. While we are most aware o...

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Questions and Answers on Ebola

The current Ebola outbreak is centered on three countries in West Africa: Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, although there is the potential for further spread to neighboring A...

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Experts in Pune chalk out strategy to counter Ebola threat

The National Institute of Virology (NIV) and the Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC) will collaborate on strategies to counter the Ebola threat that has resurfaced in the A...

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HIV-Killing Condom: Fact or Fiction?

That’s a fact. A new condom capable of “killing” sexually transmitted diseases like HIV has been approved by Australian regulators and could be available ...

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33,000 girls vaccinated against cervical cancer

More than 33,000 girls aged nine to 13 have been vaccinated against the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) to protect them from cervical cancer in the country. The beneficiaries w...

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Key High-Risk HIV Groups Threaten AIDS Progress, Warns The WHO

Five key groups, including gay men, prostitutes and prisoners, have stubbornly high rates of HIV that are threatening progress in the global AIDS battle, the World Health O...

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Combining vaccines may help eradicate polio

Combining two types of polio vaccine, including one that is injected rather than given orally, appears to give better immunity and could speed efforts to eradicate the crip...

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