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The Age of Sustainable Development

LE CERCLE. Jeffrey D. Sachs – Our generation is truly the first that can end the ancient scourge of extreme poverty; yet it can also destroy the earth’s life-su...

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Press Release : Gay Rights are Human Rights

FLASHPOINT Human Rights Film Festival in the city sparks off discussions on LGBT rights

The recently concluded FLASHPOINT Human Rights Film F...

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Press Release : Gay Rights are Human Rights

FLASHPOINT Human Rights Film Festival in the city sparks off discussions on LGBT rights

The recently concluded FLASHPOINT Human Rights Film F...

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The Stow Away Who Touched Our Lives

As was customary, when our friend SD’s ship sailed into Bombay Harbor, my mother, brother and I visited his ship. As we headed towards the bridge, we saw two havaldar...

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“The next time you have oral sex or masturbate, know that you are committing a crime. The section 377 criminalizes all except penis-vaginal sex. Think about it. And i...

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Wars Need to be Won on the Inside

Life caged her, death came and freed her!

She radiated hope like a diamond, forever shining, smiling, affecting people with her sense of courage and love for living...

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Collective Comatose

377. Unnatural offences: Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal shall be punished with impris...

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Mumbai hosts Third edition of Flashpoint Human Rights Film Festival from 12-14 December

The Press Conference for Flashpoint 2013, that was held at the Asian Center for Entertainment Education, saw a great turnout from the print and electronic media. ...

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Remembering Nelson Mandela and His Fight for Climate Justice

Nelson Mandela has been a fighter for Human and Civil Rights his entire life. However, not much is known
about his fight for climate change and the people that have be...

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Africa: ‘Green Economies’ for Africa’s Sustainable Development

Africa can achieve sustainable development by scaling up “green economy” initiatives.The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) defines a green economy ini...

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