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Surrealist Filmmaker Jan Svankmajer Is About To Make His Final Feature Film & You Can Help Produce It

No filmmaker combines live action with stop-motion quite like Jan Švankmajer, and certainly no filmmaker has used that combination to such imaginative and troubling ...

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11 Maternal Health Issues You Have Never Heard About

When I first became pregnant, I had a lot of fears. I worried whether or not I would be a good mom, if my baby would be healthy, and if I would be able to get that complica...

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Apple's Siri Calls Ambulance For Baby

A woman from Cairns, Australia, used Siri to call an ambulance for her one-year-old daughter when she stopped breathing. Stacey Gleeson grabbed her iPhone and ran to the ch...

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A Health App's AI Took On Human Doctors To Triage Patients

Two decades on from artificial intelligence
beating chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov, AI is proving it can do some conventionally human jobs. One UK-based health app n...

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Blind Mom Sees Unborn Baby Through 3D Printed Ultrasound

These days, most expectant parents take for granted that they’ll get a first glimpse of their unborn child through an ultrasoundmonths before the baby actually arrive...

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In Rwanda, A Phone Text Can Save A Baby

Using an old mobile phone, health worker Floride Uwinkesha logs the latest local pregnancy, part of efforts in Rwanda to boost maternal health through a monitoring programm...

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Retroscope - Meena Kumari

I walked carefully through the film set, encountering black coils of electrical wires, plug points, tripods, pedestal lights, noisy fans at every step of the way that made ...

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May 4 Marks First Maternal Mental Health Day To Increase Awareness Of Postpartum Mood Disorder

For the first time ever across the globe, May 4 will mark Maternal Mental Health Day in an effort to increase awareness of postpartum mood disorder (PPMD).

"Many ne...

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6 Reasons Why Breastfeeding Is Essential For Your Child's Health & Survival

There is nothing in the world that haunts a mother more than her child's health.And if all the new mothers are looking for something that can actually help infants fight vi...

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Inside Pakistan's Gender-Fluid Hijra Community

In conservative Pakistan, where religious extremists wage continuous battles against the government in the name of a strict interpretation of Islam, male cross-dressers, tr...

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