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Child Brides

The average age of marriage may be rising in the cities, but in the heart of Andhra hinterland, child marriages are still a very grim reality for many.

The case in ...

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No more ‘talaq, talaq, talaq’!

The Supreme Court on 22nd August 2017 struck down the Muslim practice of triple talaq, which allows men to instantly divorce their wives, as unconstitutional.


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Modern-Day Slavery

The National Crime Agency of the UK reports revealed that a subtle form of slavery is rampant across the country even today, and is ‘far more prevalent than thought e...

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Handmaid’s Tale: A Handcrafted Foreboding

Ever pictured what the future would look like? We all do. Or rather, we all visualize fleeting scenes of happy days being unrolled and harmony for mankind with flying cars ...

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Papa Don’t Preach

What would happen if two cantankerous, cricket-crazy men, one from India and the other from Pakistan were forced to share an apartment?  Bedlam, that’s what.


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Afghanistan’s ‘Sesame Street’ Rolls Out Exemplary Lessons

Afghanistan’s popular ‘muppet telecast show’ does more than just entertain- it imbibes a hard-hitting lesson amongst the viewers. The show named Baghch-e-...

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On The Eve Of Another Silent Anniversary

Overwhelmed by grief when my father passed away in January 1966
I did not know how to combat that empty feeling. I was just 23 years old and I had had so much to talk,...

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The Times Are Changing

Those familiar with Gujarati theatre would know that, by and large, the audience favours family dramas and social comedies. However, there are always exceptions to the rule...

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10 Must Watch Movies At 8th Jagran Film Festival

June: 8th Jagran Film Festival, India’s BIG Travelling F...

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True Review Movie - Tubelight

Cast: Salman Khan, Sohail Khan, Zhu Zhu

Director: Kabir Khan

Producer: Salman Khan

Written: Kabir Khan

Genre: War Film

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