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Deep inside every woman I have ever known across the many hierarchies that paint my world is vacuum; the result of an endless internal conflict that remains unresolved.


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A Single Blood Test For All Cancers? Illumina, Bill Gates And Jeff Bezos Launch Startup To Make It Happen

What if a simple blood test could detect any cancer early, when it was still easy to treat? It sounds like science fiction. But Illumina, the $24 billion (market cap) biote...

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It's Nearly 2016. Why Aren't Banking Apps More Secure?

In 2013, a security researcher studied 40 banking apps for iOS from some of the world’s biggest banks and found that the majority leaked a lot of personal d...

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Most Toy Adverts Are ‘Sexist’ And Show ‘Narrow And Limiting’ Gender Stereotypes, Study Warns

The majority of adverts for children’s toys  are “sexist” and reinforce “narrow and limiting” gender stereotypes according...

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Women's Rights Must Be A Major Part OF Any Climate Deal

This Human Rights Day is particularly significant. In Paris, negotiators are trying to come to agreement on a global climate treaty, and a lot is on the line -- especially ...

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What Governments Need To Do To Ensure Justice For Girls Everywhere

Sexual violence against girls is a global phenomenon. For many, their childhood and teenage years are particularly difficult, with abuses such as ‘child marriage&lsqu...

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Gender At Work Is Not A Women’s Issue

Is gender a women’s issue? Many women still seem to think so. Which is why many men think so too.  At a huge tech conference last month, I was invited to give a ...

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Women’s Empowerment Gets A Fillip In Advertising In India

MARKETING strategies can never ignore women as they are pivotal in household purchase decisions. So can advertising strategies be any different? A recent flurry of ads...

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Durga Puja Special

For many years now I have enjoyed Puja in Bombay, the city of our adoption like thousands of probasi Bengalis. The Bengali community was once close, everyone knew ...

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Climate Change Consensus Extends Beyond Climate Scientists

A Purdue University-led survey of nearly 700 scientists from nonclimate disciplines shows that more than 90% believe that average global temperatures are higher than pre-18...

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