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Protecting India’s Environment

If the right development strategy is implemented, it is possible to have both economic development and an environment worth living in The State of the Global Air report rel...

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How An Arctic Island In Canada Is Preparing Humans For The First Journey To Mars

Every summer for the last twenty years, dozens of would-be Martians have gathered on Devon Island in northern Canada to test some of the cutting-edge technology we'll need ...

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Tasmania's Coastline Glows In The Dark As Plankton Turn Blue

The waters along Tasmania’s north-west coastline have taken on a bizarre, glowing appearance in recent days. Photographs taken off Preservation Bay and Rocky Cape sho...

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Great Barrier Reef Bleached For Unprecedented Second Year Running

Great Barrier Reef bleached for unprecedented second year running A mass bleaching event is taking its toll on the Great Barrier Reef for an unprecedented second year in a ...

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How Climate Change Battles Are Increasingly Being Fought, And Won, In Court

Around the world courts are stepping in when politicians fail to act, with South Africa’s government the latest to lose a groundbreaking climate lawsuit with judges r...

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Finance Sector Could Face Climate-Risk Testing, Says Australian Watchdog

Australia’s financial institutions could be required to test climate-risk scenarios as international regulators continue to warn of the economic dangers posed by clim...

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‘De-Extinction’ Is a Bad Idea Because We Can’t Even Take Care of What We’ve Got

Because of climate change and other pressures, species are estimated to be going extinct at a 1,000 times the natural rate. What if we could bring some of them back from th...

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Rights Over Leaves, Flowers Give Indian Tribal Groups More Reason To Stay Put

In the pleasant climate of February, it is hard to imagine that day time temperatures in May in the arid Vidarbha region of India's Maharashtra state can climb to a swelter...

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Scientists Just Confirmed The Hottest Day In Antarctica

Scientists from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) announced a new record high temperature of 63.5 degrees Fahrenheit for the continent of Antarctica. The temperat...

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Shell's 1991 Warning: Climate Changing ‘At Faster Rate Than At Any Time Since End Of Ice Age’

Climate change “at a rate faster than at any time since the end of the ice age – change too fast perhaps for life to adapt, without severe dislocation”. T...

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