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Shibu Natesan: Doing it my way

Khalid Mohamed interviews the eminent artist Shibu Natesan, who has varied from images of political protest to nature studies,...

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COVID-19: The hour of reckoning

Anupama Mandloi writes about how the Mumbai based organization YUVA, has engineered itself to help the disadvantaged during th...

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Echoes of 'Black Lives Matter' in India

The unrest, the carnage, the protests that shook Trump’s America a few weeks ago, seems to be echoing in India too - though the tremors a...

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The Unknown Story

Indian cinema’s first superstar, Master Nissar, had passed away in abject poverty

How many even know...

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The Indian Artist Book of Colour

Teesta Bhandare talks about how this book seeks to help cope with the stress exacerbated by an unforeseen pandemic, especially...

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Nepotism: Advertising Industry better or Bollywood?

Sandeep Goyal gives you a view to the nepotism, which mocks at as much talent in the Adve...

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For Name’s Sake: Bollywood’s penchant for screen names

Film historian, Dhruv Somani, traces the saga of leadin...

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Global Economy to Plunge into Worst Recession since World War II: World Bank

Per capita incomes are expected to decline by 3.6%, which will tip millions of people into extreme poverty this year, the World Bank says in its June 2020 Glob...

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Status Single & Lockdown

On April 1, 45-year-old auditor, divorcee, Kriva, who quit her last job in December after being harassed for being single, picked on for lookin...

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