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Superpower Dreams: On How India Must Respond To A Low HDI Rank

India’s rank of 131 among 188 countries on the UNDP’s Human Development Index for 2015 and its ‘medium’ performance pose the uncomfortable question:...

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Why India Needs More Male Health Workers To Tackle The Maternal Health Crisis

Female health workers are the primary drivers of maternal health initiatives, but male health workers (MHWs) could complement their services significantly, according to thi...

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Sesame Street Introducing A Muppet With Autism

Sesame Street is providing a different kind of lesson with the introduction of its newest Muppet, Julia, who has autism. As was revealed in the lead-up to tonight’s 6...

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Protecting India’s Environment

If the right development strategy is implemented, it is possible to have both economic development and an environment worth living in The State of the Global Air report rel...

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Not So Accessible After All

Irony: a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often wryly amusing as a result. Now that we have the definition of irony ...

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Tasmania's Coastline Glows In The Dark As Plankton Turn Blue

The waters along Tasmania’s north-west coastline have taken on a bizarre, glowing appearance in recent days. Photographs taken off Preservation Bay and Rocky Cape sho...

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Four Australians Will Ride Across India To Help Poor Kids

When Cameron Perry first came to India in 2015, he came across several stories of underprivileged children lacking opportunities. One such story stuck with him. “I me...

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Film Festival Puts Spotlight On Family

A two-day film festival organised by the Hassan Film Society and Samanvaya Manujamath group in Hassan witnessed discussion on Indian cinemas and the way they handled the is...

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New Study On The Representation Of Women In Media Sadly Confirms What We Already Knew

The ongoing conversation around the issue of representation of women in media has been productive in terms of bringing attention to the issue, but it's not necessarily chan...

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Scientists Just Confirmed The Hottest Day In Antarctica

Scientists from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) announced a new record high temperature of 63.5 degrees Fahrenheit for the continent of Antarctica. The temperat...

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