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Viola Davis: Creativity Is The Only Way To Survive

McCann Worldgroup & The Paley Center for Media are very proud to announce that the critically revered film, theater and TV actress Viola Davis will be joining the &ldqu...

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Global warming documentary to close Cannes Film Festival

The global warming documentary ?Ice and Sky? will close out the 68th Cannes Film Festival. The French festival announced the selection Thursday, calling the film ?a hymn to...

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Pregnant Women Advised To Get Flu Vaccination

Considering the contagious nature of influenza, doctors recommend that pregnant women get immunised against the disease. The Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Soci...

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??India lives in her villages,? is a quote attributed to Mahatma Gandhi. ?This isn't the exact quote, though. Gandhiji actually wrote, ?India is not Calcutta and Bombay. In...

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Geena Davis Warns 700 Years Needed To Reach Gender Parity In Kids? Media

Actress Geena Davis last week told a standing-room only event on gender and the media at the United Nations that the paucity of female characters in entertainment media for...

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Many young Indian women underweight, their babies too – research

Researchers have long puzzled over why children in India, despite being wealthier, are shorter and smaller than children in sub-Saharan Africa. At least part of the answer ...

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Women’s Day– Three Key Words For The Year

By Augustine Veliath

On this International Women’s Day I have a sense of accomplishment.

I was part of an event Elevate 2015 in Mum...

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Breastfeeding Is Ideal:Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Human milk provides the best nutrition for most babies and breastfeeding provides the best nutrition for infants and very young children, according to an updated position p...

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And Another Month Goes

January did not conclude on a high for biopic and horror movie enthusiasts. Its final week doled out Hawaizaada, which crash landed under the weight of its...

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Laura Dern Raises Awareness Of Lung Cancer At Academy Awards

The American Lung Association’s LUNG FORCE initiative congratulates Academy Award nominee Laura Dern for her acclaimed performance in the movie adaption of Cheryl Str...

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