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How Climate Change In The Arctic Could Cause Tsunamis In The UK

Disasters are ranked according to both their potential for damage and the likelihood that they will occur in the next five years. An influenza pandemic, for example, is con...

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For Female Scientists, There's No Good Time To Have Children

American women are leaving academic science, including the social sciences, in alarming numbers. Many will turn away from science while still in graduate school. Although w...

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New Data From New Horizons Reveals Pure Water Ice On Pluto’s Moon Hydra

When scientists discovered a tiny moon orbiting Pluto back in 2005, they named it Hydra in keeping with the general Greco-Roman underworld theme established in the Plutonia...

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Space-Grown Mouse Embryos Are a Step Toward Human Colonization

Chinese scientists are creeping a tiny bit closer to the future dream of humans colonizing and reproducing in space.
They’ve succeeded, reports the Chinese ...

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United Arab Emirates Is Considering Building AFake Mountain To Bring Real Rain

The United Arab Emirates is looking into building an “artificial mountain” to help increase rainfall in the desert country, and has hired scientists from the Co...

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Huge 'Dead Zones' Could Appear in the World's Oceans by 2030 Because of Climate Change

Man-made climate change is already cutting into oxygen levels in some parts of the world's oceans and could start producing new "dead zones" in some parts of the seas by 20...

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Exploiting Asia's Biodiversity Can Ensure Food Security, End Hunger

Experts came together at a regional consultation on Asia’s biodiversity to assess opportunities on how to ensure food security and enhance nutrition across the contin...

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Pact Cities That Steal Smart Ideas From Animals & Plants

Architects, designers and urban planners are borrowing from natural phenomena as diverse as termite mounds and resilient grapefruits to design smart, sustainable cities. Wi...

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Scientists Think Intelligent Life Could Have Evolved Before Brains

Today, French scientists took a poke at humans’ intellectual hegemony by demonstrating, for the first time ever, that a single-celled organism without a brain or nerv...

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The World's Coral Reefs Are Undergoing A Massive Die-Off

For the picturesque coral colonies of the Earth's tropical oceans, it's as if the very water has betrayed them.The brilliant colors of the Great Barrier Reef and other swat...

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