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Naseeruddin Shah Admonishes Censor Board

Veteran actor Naseeruddin Shah came out in strong criticism of the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC), in light of the delayed certification of the film Lipstick Un...

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Bergman, Sombre or Pragmatic?

Ingmar Bergman prevalently known for his movie ‘Persona’ was considered as the most thoroughgoing in procedure and technique. Classism in the movies came out vo...

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Anuskha Sharma’s take on instances of Gender Inequality in B-Town

It’s hard to speak up when, once the wise said that, words are a double-edged sword. A lot of us don’t speak because the swinging might be on its way to our nec...

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Rush Hour Pollution Deadlier Than Thought

You are quite aware of the health-hazards that seems to be added by the billowing smoke into the air behind a distantly fading lights of the car. Rush hours can be aptly qu...

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Feminism in 21st Century: All Bark and No Bite?

A voyage back in time to the most revolutionary day unearths a story of its kind:  The Women’s Rights Convention held in 1848 painted an immediate change- women ...

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10 Reasons To Love The Edinburgh International Film Festival

Edinburgh is host to the world's longest continually-running film festival, which has had its fair share of milestones since launching in 1947. Ahead of the 2017 event, MAR...

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Documentary Raising Awareness To Violence Against Women At Greenwich International Film Festival

EMMY award-winning LA based filmmaker Sophia Kruz paints a gripping realistic picture of crimes against women with her inspirational feature-length documentary film entitle...

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1 In Every 3 Children In Mumbai Municipal Schools Malnourished, Up 4 Times Since 2013-14

Despite an extensive mid-day meal programme, a third of children in schools run by India’s richest municipal corporation in India’s richest city, are malnourish...

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"The Fun Is When Despite All Odds You Are Able To Tell Your Story" - Shafaq Khan, Filmmaker Of Launda Naach, Shares Her Journey.

Shafaq Khan, director of Launda Naach, chatted with Kopal Khanna, Head of communications at Asian Center for Entertainment Education, and spoke about her passions, backgrou...

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Law Law Land

The legal system in India is such a mess, that we believe things are better everywhere else—particularly in the US, where there may be miscarriage of justice as often...

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