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REUTERS SUMMIT-G20 host Australia stumbling block to global climate change action

Business and political leaders around the world, most notably in the powerhouses of the United States and China, are pressing for action to avert the potentially huge finan...

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India Challenges Developed Countries on Sustainable Development, Consumption

India has challenged developed countries to take the lead in ensuring sustainable patterns of consumption as developing countries grapple with the problem of eradicating po...

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Commonwealth Bank sued in bid to reveal carbon pollution it finances

Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility launches proceedings after failing to force bank to put the issue up for shareholder vote A court case has been launched ag...

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Air pollution caused fall in monsoon rains, says study

Emissions produced by human activity over the past 50 years have caused decline of the annual monsoon rainfall, on which billions of people - including in India - depend, a...

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Top 10 ways to save ourselves from global warming

I know some of you don?t believe it and others have come to the conclusion there is nothing we can do, but the simple truth is the gas has been turned on, the fire lit and ...

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India-US agree to fight climate change through better use of information

India and the United States have agreed to work together on efforts to adapt to the impacts of climate change and improve climate resilience through better use of informati...

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Human-caused climate change blamed for some heat waves

Washington: Heat waves last year in Asia, Europe and Australia were influenced by human-caused climate change, but not all extreme weather events could be linked to global ...

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Beyond politics: how finance can influence climate change in Australia

With political action on climate change stuck in reverse gear, investor responses and public action is where the power lies When protestors start occupying the offices of p...

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India sends mixed signals on climate change

Experts said Modi's presence at UN summit could have changed India's image as an obstructionist in climate talks. Climate change activists in India have expressed criticism...

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The UN climate summit reveals India's hypocrisy on saving forests

Environment minister argues for historical justice on cutting carbon, but denies it to tribes living in the country?s forests On Tuesday, India?s minister for environment, ...

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