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Climate Change Clouds Farmers

Indian farmers are keeping fingers crossed. Will the monsoon this kharif (south-west monsoon season) be normal, above normal (like last year), or sub-normal? One has receiv...

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As B Merwan opposite Grant Road Station (East) downs it shutters, a flood of memories takes over the locals and regulars at Merwans, as it was commonly referred to. Minoo S...

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Can our agriculture tackle climate change?

The latest report of the inter-governmental panel points to the impact of extreme weather events on farming in India

India has long been regarded a ‘climate c...

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Climate change: IPCC report warns of looming food crisis

The report Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability—says erratic and extreme weather, like severe droughts, floods and heat waves will affect food ...

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True Review: Noah Starring Russell Crowe

Critic’s Rating: 2.5

Director: Darren Aronofsky

Cast: Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly,Ray Winstone, Anthony Hopkins, Emma Watson,Logan Lerma...

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Freak climate in North India may damage crops; fears of El Nino phenomenon rising

Snowfall in the middle of March; heavy showers in the drying-up phase of the monsoon; catastrophic floods before the rainy season; searing heat in parts of south India &mda...

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The Third World’s drinking problem

With sustained political will, the world’s water and sanitation challenges are by no means insurmountable During its recent gathering in Davos, the World Economic For...

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The Third World's drinking problem

With sustained political will, the world’s water and sanitation challenges are by no means insurmountable During its recent gathering in Davos, the World Economic For...

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British Floods, California Drought: A Connection?

This winter, weather reports have been full of extremes. California, for instance, has had the driest year in 119 years of recordkeeping, with the Sierra snowpack less than...

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Seriousness of climate situation has yet to sink in nationally

Opinion: We are witnessing a displaced fury against windmills and pylons rather than tackling the real threat to our future

It is tempting to imagine that a sea cha...

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