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A New Indian Website Is Helping Sexual Assault Survivors Heal

The Internet is a curation of all things wonderful, or terrible, depending on which side of it you wander into. A group of young Indians have attempted to do their own bit,...

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Women In Gangotri Are Building Their Own Road & Won’t Vote Unless Political Parties Help Them!

Women from villages all over Uttarakhand have been making their voices heard through Uttarakhand Mahila Manch, an all-woman organisation.According to a report by The Times ...

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India In 10 years: Healthcare Sector Will See Radical Consolidation

Apart from the government, three-four large players, some of them international giants, will dominate 80% of the market Care of human health has intrigued the social, scien...

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How Breaking One of the Most Basic Physical Laws Might Explain Dark Energy

A group of theoretical physicists from France and Mexico has offered a fun new what-if for dark energy, one of physics' most profound outstanding mysteries. As described in...

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Indian Short Film To Be Premiered At The Prestigious 67th Berlin International Film Festival

A great film is always dependent on the vision of the director, but if the right minds are keen to support that very vision, that is a true endorsement for any art form. Read More

All That Glitters Is Not Green: Costa Rica's Renewables Conceal Dependence On Oil

Unless you’ve avoided social media for the last week, you probably know that last year, Costa Rica was able to produce 98% of its electricity without oil – a fe...

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Here’s How Hospitals Are Trying To Improve Accessibility For Visually Impaired Patients

India is taking great strides to provide accessibility to the disabled in the country. However, the medical centre unfortunately seems to have a lot of ground to cover. Ano...

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Why 2016 Was The Year Of The Algorithmic Timeline

2016 was the year of "post fact" news, but it was also the year of post-new news. 2016 was the year of the algorithmic timeline, in which tech companies dismantled the conc...

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All It Takes Is Courage

Sushmita Mukherjee’s new one-woman show, Naribai, has her play a face-off between two been interesting women of different social strata. Sunaina is an upper clas...

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Anushka Sharma: Some Men Unable To Adjust To Changing Woman

Anushka Sharma believes that some men are perhaps unable to adjust to the fact that the woman today is changing and is no longer dependent on anyone. Giving her take on the...

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