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Venice Really Hates Being The World's Tourist Destination

Venice is overwhelmed by tourists. That's the message locals have been voicing in recent years, with protests flaring in the past few weeks.
Recently, Venetian residen...

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What To Expect At The Indian Film Festival 2016 In Birmingham

A sex comedy and red carpet premiere are among the highlights The Indian Film Festival is returning to Birmingham – and this year it will be more than twice the size....

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Paris Bans All Cars Made Before 1997 To Reduce Pollution

The ban, which aims to reduce air pollution in the City of Light, came into effect Friday and makes Paris the first city in the country to officially establish a "limited t...

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“An artclass on the footpath…”

Interns Pranoy Shaiva and Shreyas Nair contributed both words and photographs for this writeup.

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Leaving EU Will Make It Harder For UK To Tackle Climate Change, Says Minister

“While I think the UK’s role in dealing with a warming planet may have been made harder by the decision last Thursday, our commitment to dealing with it has not...

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How Can We Make Brexit Work For The Environment?

About 70% of our environmental safeguards and legislation is European legislation – and this is now at risk. The rhetoric from some on the leave campaign indicates th...

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There's A New Plan To Stop Climate Change: Turn CO2 Emissions Into Stone

The project took place at the Hellisheidi Geothermal Power Station, the biggest thermal power plant in the world and the energy provider for Reykjavik, Iceland's capital. U...

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This App Helps Citizens Report Deadly Mosquito Sightings

For the past two years, Spanish citizens have been using an app dubbed ‘Mosquito Alert’ to report sightings and breeding grounds of Aedes albopictus, or Tiger m...

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There's A New Plan To Stop Climate Change: Turn CO2 Emissions Into Stone

"It's a promising result," said Ken Caldeira, a climate scientist at the Carnegie Institution for Science who was not involved in the project. "If this could be done at a l...

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CO2 Turned Into Stone In Iceland In Climate Change Breakthrough

The unique project promises a cheaper and more secure way of burying CO2 from fossil fuel burning underground, where it cannot warm the planet. Such carbon capture and stor...

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