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Women represent just 36% of news media bylines and appearances

In news media, it’s still a man’s world. Male journalists make up 63% of by lines in print, Internet and wire news media, according to a recent report from the ...

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ACEE The Third Eye Presents Supernova, A Panel Discussion on Portrayal of Health, Young Mothers and Parenting in the World of Films, Television and Media

ACEE The Third Eye is empowering the creative leadership of the media and entertainment industries of India with accurate information on key health, legal,...

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India’s ‘Womanifesto:’ How central are women’s rights to this year’s elections?

The gang rape and murder of a 23-year-old student on a moving bus in New Delhi in December 2012 marked a sharp turning point for the debate on women’s rights in India...

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Indian agriculture facing sustainability issues

We are very pleased with the progress we made since we announced our new integrated strategy. And we have been able to build a very different set of connections with our gr...

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Most Ratified Human Rights Treaty is 25 Years Old

Augustine J. Veliath invites writers everywhere to own and use this powerful tool, the CRC.

Nearly 25 years ago, the world made a promise to childr...

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Hospitals Safer Than Homes for Births

A new analysis suggests that giving birth in a hospital is considerably safer than having a baby at home or in a birthing center. Researchers analyzed data collected by the...

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Can our agriculture tackle climate change?

The latest report of the inter-governmental panel points to the impact of extreme weather events on farming in India

India has long been regarded a ‘climate c...

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Toilets on all beaches by October: Goa tourism development corporation

Beaches in Goa are set for a major uplift this year, with Goa tourism development corporation (GTDC) promising public toilets and dressing rooms all along the coastline by ...

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Josh Charles To Turn Times Square Into Big Pinwheel Garden To Fight Child Abuse

Prevent Child Abuse America and actor Josh Charles from the Emmy-nominated CBS show, The Good Wife, will turn New York City?s iconic Times Square into a ?Big Pinwheel Garde...

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Climate change as a matter of public health

For a long time people perceived climate change as an environmental issue–the concern of environmentalists, the concern of a few. It was reframed as a justice issue a...

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