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Will Technology fuel a Man-Machine Struggle for Power?

Recently I read that Sophia is going to be the first robot to be granted citizenship of Saudi Arabia. She was interviewed by business writer Andrew Ross Sorkin at ...

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Protecting Women’s Reproductive Health can help Tackle Economic Inequality

Protecting Women’s Reproductive Health can help Tackle Economic Inequality

Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Dr Natalia Kanem s...

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Landmarks in Women's Rights – A Struggle full of Highs and Lows

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed women can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead<...

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Rape as a Weapon of Destruction

Rape and sexual slavery are actively being used as means of warfare in Central African Republic, with armed forces on both sides guilty of it.

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Can Hollywood change People’s view on Climate Change?

Research published in the International Journal of Sustainable Development suggests that purportedly entertaining films that feature global warming and climate cha...

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Subash Ghai’s Applause for ‘Bhanvar’ at the 5th Veda session at Whistling Woods

Mumbai, 6th October 2017: What does experimental theatre mean? Can less preparedness be packaged as experimental theatre and win accolades a...

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Hatred and harassment online is harder to supress than sex

Ever since a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on the 12th August 2017, news developments have continued at a torrid pace. The Daily Stor...

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Women riding the Wheels of Change in Saudi Arabia

"Human rights are women's rights, and women's rights are human rights." - Hillary Clinton

In a country like Saudi Arabia where women's rights are limited in compari...

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You think you know about Schizophrenia? Lets find out...

Schizophrenia a long-term mental disorder involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behaviour, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions...

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Over 5000 Media Enthusiasts Witnessed the Action-Packed Two Days of Celebrate Cinema 2017 at Whistling Woods International

~ Interactive and hand-picked workshops, informative panel discussions gave a preview into the world of media, arts and entertainment at Celebrate Cinema! ~


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