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Kaleidoscope - All That Glitters

China is considered an Asian Tiger and an economic superpower to be feared by the First World countries. In India, Shanghai is seen as a model of urban development, and all...

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8 Female CEO's Out-Earn 93 Male CEO's

Fortune has a piece out today showing that “Female CEOs of the Largest Public Companies Are Actually Out-Earning the Men.”

According to Equilar, an exec...

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Fighting Climate Change Burp By Burp

In grassy fields and research labs around the world, scientists are making a herculean effort to help fight climate change: one cow burp at a time.

Driven by pressu...

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Safia Manto: The Woman Who Stood By The Writer Through All Times

So little is known and even less written about the women who have unflinchingly supported their celebrated men. It is true that SafiaDeen would not have been known had she ...

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Harvey Milk Group To Honor Bollywood Star, Human Rights Activists Celina Jaitly

Bollywood star Celina Jaitly, who speaks out on behalf of LGBT people in India and worldwide, will be honored Friday night by the Harvey Milk Foundation at the second Diver...

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How To Get Away with Murder Is Defying Hollywood “Norms”

The American Broadcasting Company (ABC) television network is slowly but surely paving the way to diversified television. Sex, murder, infidelity, and an endless supply of ...

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How Climate Change In The Arctic Could Cause Tsunamis In The UK

Disasters are ranked according to both their potential for damage and the likelihood that they will occur in the next five years. An influenza pandemic, for example, is con...

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The 7 Best UK Festivals For New Music

Despite the Met Office trying to tell us it would snow on the hottest day of the year so far (an unfortunate but gloriously British error), summer is fast-approaching which...

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Fighting Poverty, Stabilizing Peace

The United Nations is more needed today than at any time since the Cold War. It is the only place on Earth where any nation, state or government can talk to any other natio...

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The Genius Of Indian Cartoonist Mario Miranda

India's western beachfront state Goa has been busy with celebrations to mark the 90th birth anniversary of one of the country's best-known cartoonists and illustrators, Mar...

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