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An Antidote for Bandipur

Bandipur National Park in Karnataka is facing a severe crisis today, trying to deal with an invasion by Read More

Scientists Print 3D Models Of Great Barrier Reef In Bid To Save It

Researchers creating virtual maps of coral reefs to precisely model how structure altered by environmental change Scientists are using 3D printing technology to create pros...

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All Aboard The Science Express – India’s Only Climate Change Train Is Here!

As the mild Indian Winter creeps into the not-so-mild Indian Summer, once again the topic of global warming becomes entirely too relevant. With international summits, a con...

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Urban Butterfly Declines 69% Compared To 45% Drop In Countryside

Butterflies have vanished from towns and cities more rapidly than from the countryside over the past two decades, according to a new study. Industrial agriculture has long ...

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Wind farms might be killing many more bats than we realize

It’s no secret that wind power has experienced a boom in recent years, as demand for renewable energy sources grows. But while the technology is adept at helping curb...

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Ecological And Social Implications Of Trans And Climate Change

We are biological creatures, part of an ecosphere, living in communities. Like any other organism, our genetic code sets parameters within which we live. The ecosphere is g...

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Humans Are Now Causing Species To Artificially Evolve

But man-made ecological damage doesn’t always come in the form of extinctions. Instead of succumbing to the pressures of human activity, some species are rapidly evol...

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The World's Coral Reefs Are Undergoing A Massive Die-Off

For the picturesque coral colonies of the Earth's tropical oceans, it's as if the very water has betrayed them.The brilliant colors of the Great Barrier Reef and other swat...

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itv Network Celebrates World Water Day By Launching Water Sustainability Project With Aquakraft

World Water Day is marked on 22 March every year. It’s a day to celebrate existence and significance of water in our daily life. It’s a day to make a difference...

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Instead Of Killing Mosquitoes, Why Don’t We Edit The Viruses Out Of Them?

In the fight against zika—the mosquito-spread virus recently declared an international public health emergency due to its potential link with a brain deformity in inf...

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