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Do We Need a Global Tax On Wealth?

Taxes have always been politicized. In modern times, no election passes without each campaign's position on taxes being thoroughly scrutinized. And with economic inequality...

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Greed of Drug Industry Cited by World Health as Reason for Lack of Ebola Vaccine

“A profit-driven industry does not invest in products for markets that cannot pay,” she said, according to The New York Times. “WHO has been trying to mak...

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Polar Bears Changed their Diet to Survive Climate Change

Polar bears in the western Hudson Bay area have become more flexible with their diet due to climate change.

Linda Gormezano, lead author of the study and a vertebra...

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Born inside a North Korean prison camp as the child of political prisoners, Shin Dong-hyuk was raised in a world where all he knew was pun...

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Day 5 at 15th Mumbai Film Festival

There was no reduction in excitement levels of cinephiles as Day 5 of the 15th Mumbai Film Festival presented by Reliance Entertainment and organized by the Mumb...

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