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Volunteers to add overlooked Stories of Women to Wikipedia

Our culture has a glaring tendency to elevate the achievements of men over the achievements of women. In fact, ...

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What’s gone wrong with TV news in India

Broadcast news has dominated as the major source of news and information across the world for over 3 decades. This was all the more possible...

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Whistling Woods International Masterclasses: A Crucial Platform for Students

“WWI provides a crucial platform to students through these weekly masterclasses”, said Subhashish Bhutiani, director of Mukti Bhawan

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Two Research Teams Have Independently Made a Real-Life Time Crystal

Two research teams from Harvard and the University of Maryland have published research papers today in Nature which detail how they have independently managed to create rea...

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Meet Aila, the German Robot Controlled From Russia With an Exoskeleton

Meet AILA, a robot designed by the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence or DFKI. DFKI is kind of like a European DARPA more focused on building robots for exp...

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Usage Of Tabs Revolutionises Health Services In Bangladesh

Forty-six-year old Jesmine Akhter had never used a computer until last month when she received a tab to enter data she collects in her village.She is a family welfare assis...

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Mirrors: Capturing And Recording The Collective Consciousness Through Media

In the recent wake of the Yakub Memon case, opinions have been polarized creating a rift, a schism of thought and identity has manifested in the nation’s collective c...

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Of A Biased Media, Yakub Memon And Baby Crows!

So as I walked into the elevator that would take me to my apartment on the 7th floor after work last evening, in walked with me a lady well over 75 years of age.

I ...

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Technology Matters!

Technology has been heralded as the tool that will expedite the entire evolutionary process of human beings. Technology has boomed over the last 40-45 and has taken over mu...

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Writing entertaining content is no longer about an indulgence; nor about the purging of an overwhelmed soul.

Neither is it about following directives of marketing a...

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