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Climate Change Causes Winner And Losers In Penguins

Penguin species in the Antarctic that once benefited from rising temperatures are now in decline due to warming gone too far, scientists said Thursday. Previous scientific ...

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Farmers' battle to cope with climate change could spark rural renewal

Shifting world agriculture to a "climate-smart" approach will not only help prevent future food security crises but holds the promise of sparking economic and agricultural ...

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Deaths caused by heat will rise to average of 7,000 a year in 2050

The number of deaths caused by extreme heat in the UK will more than treble by the middle of the century as a result of climate change and population growth, experts have s...

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Climate change rattles mental health of Inuit in Labrador

Researchers studying the mental health and well-being of Inuit populations in coastal Labrador say rising temperatures are having damaging psychological effects on people i...

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Hesperian-- A Treasure Trove for Writers who love health

If you are serious about “scripting for life”, you are likely to land up at Hesperian Digital Commons some day. Sarah Shannon who is the executive director...

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Leaked Report Spotlights Big Climate Change Assessment

Why the UN’s coming fifth report on global warming is already making waves.

Brian Clark Howard

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