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Techno-Visionaries And The Philosopher’s Stone

“I think that novels that leave out technology misrepresent life as badly as Victorians misrepresented life by leaving out sex.”

– Kurt Vonnegut Read More


“Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains” quoted Jean Jacques Rousseau, the famous French philosopher. The history of mankind has been the history of ev...

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“To Be or Not To Be”

Nature gives the gift of life.

Law gives the right to life.

Who is to grant, not to live?

It is often a cause of wonderment why human ashes are grey...

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Designed By Varuna D Jani, The MAMI Trophy Rises Like A Phoenix From The Ashes And Takes A New Form

Mumbai, October 2014:The 16th edition of the Mumbai film festival organized by the Mumbai Academy of Moving Image (MAMI) will have a sparkling touch this y...

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