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23 Million Year Old Leaves Helped Solve An Antarctic Climate Mystery

As Antarctica melts, it’s releasing centuries’ worth of locked-away ice into the ocean and pushing sea levels higher. It’s scary stuff. But it also isn&rs...

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Shrinking India Is Pushing The North Pole Towards London

Groundwater levels on the Indian subcontinent have been so badly depleted by climate change, intensive irrigation and population growth that it has caused the Earth to tilt...

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The Rise In Sea Levels Could Be Almost Double Previous Estimates

Sea levels could rise an additional 39 inches by the end of the century — almost doubling previous estimates of the total potential increases in sea levels — du...

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Study Raises New Concern About Global Warming

A study published in Nature says global warming could disintegrate the vast ice Antarctic ice sheet sooner than originally thought. That would mean a 3-foot sea level rise ...

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Britain Needs to Move Its Antarctic Base Because the Ice Shelf Is Cracking

You can?t stop nature, so there?s only one thing for it: the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) is setting up to relocate Halley VI, the latest version of the Halley Research S...

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NASA Hopes Its Dramatic CO2 Simulations Will Get UN Leaders To Act

In a press release, NASA said that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere measures at 400 parts per million (ppm), but it?s rising at 2 ppm every year. While...

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If This Part Of Antarctica Collapses, Sea Levels Could Rise 10 Feet

The scientists specifically looked at a region of Antarctica called the Amundsen Sea sector, and projected what the consequences would be if the ice there broke apart and d...

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Just Because Antarctica Might Be Gaining Ice Doesn't Mean Climate Change Isn't Happening

The study, published in the Journal of Glaciology, analyzed satellite data from two time periods. It concludes that during both periods, the amount of snow gained on the co...

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Antarctica’s Weird And Wondrous Blood Falls Houses Tons Of Ancient Microbes.

Three million years ago, a glacier slid over an area of seawater that had made its way inland. The water being too salty to freeze, it just got trapped under the ice, along...

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If We Burn All The World's Fossil Fuels, We'll Melt Antarctica & Flood The Earth.

"We show in simulations using the Parallel Ice Sheet Model that burning the currently attainable fossil fuel resources is sufficient to eliminate the ice sheet," the author...

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