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11 Health Innovations To Drastically Cut Maternal And Child Mortality Rates

Achieving the ambitious target to end maternal and child deaths, enshrined in the sustainable development goals (SDGs), will require ingenuity. The good news is that 11 hea...

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What It’s Like To Live With A Bionic Hand

Nicky Ashwell was born without her right hand, but that’s never held her back. She tried a few different prosthetics in the past—mainly realistic-looking hands ...

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Mobile Diagnostic Device That Helps Pregnant Women In Rural India Receive Timely Medical Attention

A six-page report published in September by the established UK medical journal Lancet provided some shocking figures about maternal mortality in India. It revealed that in ...

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3 Tips To Design Tax Policies For Healthier Diets

When using taxes to promote healthier diets, policymakers are faced with considerations such as what products to tax, what type of tax to implement and what substitutes or ...

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Japan To Face Criticism At International Summit For Flouting Whaling Ruling

Japan is likely to face international criticism at a whaling summit this week for killing whales in the Southern Ocean in defiance of a court ruling.
Japanese fleets k...

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ANTARDRISHTI - India Story Section At 18th Jio MAMI 2016

Mumbai, 19th October, 2016: ANTARDRISHTI – Man with the Binoculars, directed by Rima DasRead More

Jason Isaacs Meets Foster Family In Mumbai, Says A Lot Of Work Required For Child Rights

Even as India is gradually opening its gates to foster care and has only recently laid down guidelines for group foster care, British actor Jason Isaacs has already started...

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What We Learned About The Global Burden Of Disease?

Kofi Annan, the former Secretary-General of the United Nations, observed that knowledge is power and information is liberating. Indeed, the collection, analysis and dissemi...

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This Is What It's Like To Be Inside The World's Largest Particle Accelerator

Now you can see scientists try to make space for a giant 360 degree camera-ball while they’re hard at work helping uncover the origins of the universe: the European O...

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Mercury Is More Earth-Like Than We Thought

Mercury has been hiding an exciting secret: the closest planet to our Sun is perpetually shrinking, according to new data from NASA, which shows the appearance of new, tiny...

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