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A Manhattan state of mind

Woody Allen’s ‘Manhattan’ is a 1979 American romantic comedy film produced by Charles H. Joffe, writes Vandana Kumar<...

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Sign of the times: Silencing Zillennials

Humra Quraishi expresses anguish at the systematic crushing of dissent among the young generations today.

Exploring the Darker Side

After watching a couple of her films, Vandana Kumar believes, that it couldn’t be merely a coincidence that Isabelle Hup...

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Sign of the times: The Mahatma and the Frontier Gandhi

February 6 was Khan Abdul Ghaffar’s Khan birth anniversary; he was born in 1890 in Utmanzai, Pakistan, writes Humra Quraishi Read More

India flattens curve, but precautions are a must

Dr. Kishore Madhwani writes on the flattening of the COVID-19 graph in India, and emphasises that COVID Appropriate Behaviour ...

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So long, farewell, it’s hard to say goodbye…

I’m a writer, but I am at a complete loss of words when expressing the pain I’m feeling after losing my best friend Rajiv Kapoor, w...

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Give peace a chance

Khalid Mohamed in conversation with the eminent filmmaker and documentarist Ramesh Sharma on his new feature-length documentar...

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Those were the days

Listening to music on the terrace to while away long, lonely evenings, the comp came up with the song, Those were the days my friend, we though...

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Right at the Centre: Anuradha SenGupta

Anuradha SenGupta’s introduction of herself as a professional, best summarizes her writes Aparajita Krishna  Read More

Where Eagles Dare

People are experiences and experiences make interesting stories, says Yashika Begwani to me, writes Read More