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Venice Really Hates Being The World's Tourist Destination

Venice is overwhelmed by tourists. That's the message locals have been voicing in recent years, with protests flaring in the past few weeks.
Recently, Venetian residen...

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How Big Oil Taught Big Tobacco To Bend Science

Over the past year, revelations about what the giants of the US petroleum industry knew decades ago about climate change have had a familiar ring to them.
Several obse...

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English Village Set An Example By Quietly Cleaning Up Its Own Patch

Climate change is one of the defining challenges of the 21st century. But a small village of England, Ashton Hayes teaches the lesson to the rest of country by becoming Bri...

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1,500 Reindeer Dead, 40 Humans Hospitalized Amid Anthrax Outbreak In Siberia

At least 40 people from nomadic communities in northern Siberia have been hospitalized amid an anthrax outbreak that scientists believe was caused by thawing reindeer carca...

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2015 Had Hotter Temperatures And Higher Sea Levels Than Ever Before

By several measures, the earth is cooking and getting steadily hotter.That's according to a new report that takes the earth's temperature each year, citing data from more t...

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Could More Deadly Dangers Like 'Zombie Anthrax' Lie Beneath The Arctic Circle's Melting Ice?

The recent "zombie" anthrax outbreak unleashed by the rapid melting of permafrost that killed 2,300 reindeer, hospitalized dozens, and killed one child in northern Siberia ...

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'Link Up Public Health With The Climate Change Agenda'

The global health and climate community met in Paris last week to highlight the insidious link between health and climate change and demand more explicit recognition of thi...

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California's Key Climate Change Program Aims For New Life

In advance of a political showdown in the state Legislature, Gov. Jerry Brown’s administration made its first formal effort Tuesday to extend the life of the program ...

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How Sea Otters Help Save The Planet

New research into the complex links of the food chain suggest that the lovable mammals play a key role in managing carbon dioxide levels Charles Darwin once mused on the im...

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'Deprivation Of Water Is Violation Of Human Rights'

Will deprivation of water, both for drinking and irrigations, amount to violation of human rights? This question has been raised by the Tamil Nadu State Human Rights Commis...

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