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Climate Talks In Paris: The Need For An Ambitious But Equitable Agreement

World leaders meet today in Paris, not to discuss terrorism, but to discuss another of our generation's biggest threat, climate change. It is clear that already, when tempe...

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Drastic Reductions in Meat Consumption Worldwide Could Help Fight Climate Change

If the world piled on the veggies and cut back on steaks and hamburgers, the UK-based think tank Chatham House said in a report this week, the world could ge...

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Dwindling Snowpack Around The World Threatens The Water Supply For 2 Billion People

Scientists from Stanford University and Columbia University's Earth Institute?said?that if greenhouse gas emissions continue along their current trajectory, about 97 snow-d...

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Choking Air, Melting Glaciers: How Global Warming Is Changing India

Its Himalayan glaciers are melting fast, its agricultural heartland is drying up and its capital is choking on the world’s filthiest air. Yet India’s government...

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Choking Air, Melting Glaciers: How Global Warming Is Changing India

Its Himalayan glaciers are melting fast, its agricultural heartland is drying up and its capital is choking on the world's filthiest air. Yet India's government is one of t...

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This App Will Tell You Exactly How Much You’re Destroying the Planet

Rather, the primary obstacle to combating climate change remains social in nature, which is why a team of researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology ...

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NASA Hopes Its Dramatic CO2 Simulations Will Get UN Leaders To Act

In a press release, NASA said that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere measures at 400 parts per million (ppm), but it?s rising at 2 ppm every year. While...

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World Bank Warns Climate Change Could Add 100 Mln Poor By 2030

Without the right policies to keep the poor safe from extreme weather and rising seas, climate change could drive over 100 million more people into poverty by 2030, the Wor...

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China Lifted Its One-Child Policy And Here’s What That Means For The Environment

China once touted the 1979 decree as an environmental benefit. Government officials estimate it shaved between 300 and 400 million people off the expected growth of its pop...

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Those Plumes Of Methane Leaking Off The Coast Of Washington Are Really Bad News For The Oceans

As the oceans absorb greater amounts of carbon dioxide from human-caused emissions, the waters off Washington and Oregon have become more acidic. That has forced some comme...

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