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Designing a Sustainable Financial System for India

FICCI-UNEP Inquiry released an Interim Report on “Designing a Sustainable Financial System for India”. The report proposes key recommendations on designing the ...

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Asian cities to be worst hit by climate change.

Governments are finding it difficult to cope with the swelling population Fast-growing cities in Asia will be the worst affected by climate change because of their swelling...

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Global Sustainable Development Goals need clearer, more measurable targets, according to new report

The proposed UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – a universal set of goals to guide international development to 2030 – will struggle to achieve their stat...

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Ensure resources to developing nations on climate change: India

As the global community readies to adopt an ambitious post-2015 development agenda, India has highlighted the importance of ensuring enhanced resources to developing countr...

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Child, Bride, Mother

In Guatemala, the legal age of marriage is 14 with parental consent, but in Petén, in the northern part of the country, the law seems to be more of a suggestion. Und...

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Follow Narendra Modi On Climate Change, Says Arnold Schwarzenegger

Hollywood action-movie star and former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today said he would be a “terminator” for climate change and asked state govern...

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India Hits Its U.N. Poverty-Cutting Target, but Misses Others

India is on track to cut poverty in half by the end of this year, compared to 2000 levels, but needs to do more to improve education and empower women, a United Nations rep...

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A story of drinkers, genocide and unborn girls – Why Men on Earth Outnumber Women by 60 million –

Left to nature alone, the population on earth would be give or take 50% men and 50% women, according to what’s become known as Fisher’s Principle. The fact that...

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A story of drinkers, genocide and unborn girls – Why Men on Earth Outnumber Women by 60 million

Left to nature alone, the population on earth would be give or take 50% men and 50% women, according to what’s become known as Fisher’s Principle. The fact that...

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What Would Happen To The Climate If We Stopped Emitting Greenhouse Gases Today?

Earth?s climate is changing rapidly. We know this from billions of observations, documented in thousands of journal papers and texts and summarized every few years by the U...

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