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Snakes In The Living Room!

Snakes In The Living Room!I can’t believe this that our desi news channels have no clue about geographic locations in

various cities. Take for example, early ...

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What Is Neurocapitalism And Why Are We Living In It?

It's a fact: we are bang in the middle of the Anthropocene. We have changed the destiny of our planet and its ecosystems, to the point that human actions have become as pow...

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How To Share The Planet With Artificial Intelligence

Human-level intelligence is familiar in biological hardware—you’re using it now. Science and technology seem to be converging, from several directions, on the p...

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Seeing Earth From Space Is The Key To Saving Our Species From Itself

When Yuri Gagarin became the first human to orbit the Earth in April 1961, he carried centuries of hopes and dreams into space with him. Visionaries had long struggled to p...

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Why We Started 'WOMAN'

Almost two years ago, feminist activist and writer Gloria Steinem and activist Amy Richards visited the VICE office in Brooklyn to discuss the critical (yet rarely discusse...

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Mercury Is More Earth-Like Than We Thought

Mercury has been hiding an exciting secret: the closest planet to our Sun is perpetually shrinking, according to new data from NASA, which shows the appearance of new, tiny...

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Watch The Highlight Reel Of Blue Origin’s Successful Rocket Test

Rockets are finicky. Sometimes, when you’d like them to remain in one piece, they rapidly disassemble. When you’re fully expecting them to crash and burn in a g...

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2015 Had Hotter Temperatures And Higher Sea Levels Than Ever Before

By several measures, the earth is cooking and getting steadily hotter.That's according to a new report that takes the earth's temperature each year, citing data from more t...

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This 10th July, The Mightiest Will Descend On Your Television Sets With ‘Superhero Somersault – Pixathon’ Only On Sony PIX

~Win a fabulous money can’t buy opportunity to visit the sets of next Spidey movie- Spider-man Home coming ~

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It's Safe To Eat These 4 Crops Grown In 'Martian Soil'

Since 2013, a Dutch researcher has successfully been cultivating crops and wild plant varieties in a soil that closely resembles that from the red planet and the moon. Now ...

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