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What Policymakers Can Do About Healthcare In Rural India

In a recent article, I argued how increasing rural spending on schemes such as the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Gurantee Act (MGNREGA), skill development (STRIV...

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Farms Are Turning To Solar As Electricity Prices Soar

Step onto a farm in California, and you're likely to find solar panels planted near almonds or oranges.
Solar energy is a growing presence in the agriculture industry,...

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India Needs A Multi-Payer System

For most developing economies, a single public healthcare financing system is unlikely to effectively cover the entire population The 2017 Union budget presented some major...

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How One Man Repopulated A Rare Butterfly Species In His Backyard

The California pipevine swallowtail butterfly is a wonder to behold. It begins its life as a tiny red egg, hatches into an enormous orange-speckled caterpillar, and then &m...

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Why Dengue Turns Fatal For Patients With Second Infection

American scientists have made a research breakthrough in their study on dengue, a viral disease that wreaked havoc across India in the last two years, that could help treat...

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Regulate Stent Prices To Prevent Exploitation Of Patients: Health Campaigners

As it has become evident that patients in need of coronary stents are forced to pay 1000 to 2000 times of manufacturing cost in India, public health campaigners, today (Jan...

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Public Health: Increased Prescriptions Sign Of Awareness?

Depression, though widespread in India, is rarely accorded priority in the public health system, which is burdened with cases of TB and dengue as well as non-communicable d...

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More Than 100 Natural World Heritage Sites Degraded By Human Activity, Says Report

More than 100 of the world’s most precious natural assets are being severely damaged by encroaching human activities, according to a study examining direct human foot...

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Budget Expectation: Rights Body For Enhanced Funding For Child Welfare

Noting a “constant decline” in budgetary allocation for children amid malnourishment, child labour and lack of education, rights body CRY has advocated for an i...

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Climate Change: Data Shows 2016 Likely To Be Warmest Year Yet

Temperature data for 2016 shows it is likely to have edged ahead of 2015 as the world's warmest year. Data from Nasa and the UK Met Office shows temperatures were about 0.0...

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