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Imagine what would happen when any one of the gods came down to earth? That?s just the crux of? SAB TV?s rib-tickling satire Yam Hain Hum. Yamraj, the god of death is disma...

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When German friends first visited Bombay, they were blown away by the multiple ethnic groups on the streets. They had just visited the Rajabai Clock Tower and seen statues ...

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Negotiating Identity In The Changing Times

“The real world is simply too terrible to admit. It tells man that he is a small trembling animal who will someday decay and die. Culture changes all of this, mak...

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The daily prime time reality based crime show; Code Red hosted by Sakshi Tanwar narrated a most disturbing story last week. It was ?child abduc...

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David Beckham Supports Campaign To End Violence Against Children In El Salvador

One week on from launching 7: The David Beckham UNICEF Fund – a new global initiative that will protect children in danger around the world – UNICEF Goodwill Am...

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Lifting the Curtain on Mental Health

“Mental health and well-being are fundamental to our collective and individual ability as humans to think, emote, interact with each other, earn a living,...

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Extreme Weather Displaces Far More People Than War - And It's Getting Worse

Experts warned on Thursday that governments need to prepare themselves for a growing and often overwhelming influx of migrants. The displaced won't be fleeing the horrors o...

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Madonna calls for charity donations for Malawi flooding victims

Pop superstar Madonna has urged fans to donate money to help victims of the deadly floods which have swept through Malawi over the past week. The Material Girl hitmaker, wh...

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In mid January, the skies over Gujarat and Maharashtra are gaily speckled with kites, diving, soaring and getting at each other. This day marks the solar ingress into Capri...

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Conditions caused due to poor sanitation the reason for large number of maternal and newborn deaths

Lack of safe water, sanitation and hygiene in birth settings is killing mothers and newborns in the developing world, shows a new study. In a flagship paper, 16 researchers...

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