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We Might Soon Resurrect Extinct Species. Is It Worth the Cost?

With enough determination, money and smarts, scientists just might revive the woolly mammoth, or some version of it, by splicing genes from ancient mammoths into Asian elep...

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This Village By Ganga Nurtures Jawans

The Abdul Hamid Bridge, named after the 1965 war’s Param Vir Chakra awardee, transports people beyond the Ganga and towards Gahmar. If the vast expanse of the river m...

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‘De-Extinction’ Is a Bad Idea Because We Can’t Even Take Care of What We’ve Got

Because of climate change and other pressures, species are estimated to be going extinct at a 1,000 times the natural rate. What if we could bring some of them back from th...

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What Some 'Radical Conservationists' Think

Humans started drawing animals the moment they started killing them. The earliest recorded artworks—paintings on the cave walls of Lascaux in southern France—ar...

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Humans Were Living In The Arctic 15,000 Years Earlier Than We Thought

Around 26,000 years ago, the ice sheets comprising the Earth?s arctic regions reached their maximum extension, reaching as far south as Germany. This period is appropriatel...

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Investigative Film Festival Opens In D.C.

The Founding Fathers thought so much of the power of the press they reserved a special spot for it in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. Perhaps it’s appropri...

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I don?t feel at home with Reporters. The look is too glossy, too unreal. The channel head sports a muffler. The editor Kabir is usually in a jacket (wonder why the tie is m...

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Writing entertaining content is no longer about an indulgence; nor about the purging of an overwhelmed soul.

Neither is it about following directives of marketing a...

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“To Be or Not To Be”

Nature gives the gift of life.

Law gives the right to life.

Who is to grant, not to live?

It is often a cause of wonderment why human ashes are grey...

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What Nigeria did to become Ebola-free

Technology combined with good detective work was instrumental in Nigeria?? fight against Ebola Nigeria, Africa?? most populous country and the one to have been recently hit...

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