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Soon Consumers Will Be Regulators…

A few years ago, global consumer goods giant Unilever found itself in a sticky situation. A new advertisement for its margarine Flora, had sparked a huge row. The ad showed...

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Is A Number Crunching Agency Needed?

Vinta Nanda, Filmmaker-

Box office figures should be accurate. Yes, Bollywood should take help of agencies like Rentrak a...

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A paradigm shift taking place in Indian Politics reflects that a time has come for the politician to deliver what has been promised to the voter, or else he will be shown t...

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Survey: For young children, mobile devices such as tablets, smartphones now a mainstay

The vast majority of young children in the United States are using mobile devices and for much longer periods of time, with an even greater number of babies being exposed t...

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Obama Says Health Law Critics ‘Grossly Misleading’

President Barack Obama defended his health-care law, saying the flawed online insurance exchange will get fixed and accusing critics of “grossly misleading” the...

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A Shifting Balance of Power

The notion and practice of power is arguably what creates and maintains large societies. Since the role of government is conceived to be so integral in safeguarding our soc...

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Leaked Report Spotlights Big Climate Change Assessment

Why the UN’s coming fifth report on global warming is already making waves.

Brian Clark Howard

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