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How A Hacked Virus Is Bringing Us Closer To Artificial Photosynthesis

Researchers at MIT have offered an answer, however indirectly. They have hijacked the hijacker, reprogramming virus particles to function as a structural scaffolding in a l...

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How India's 'Sand Mafia' Pillages Land, Terrorizes People, And Gets Away With It

Nicknamed "red gold," the sand's individual particles are larger than those of other varieties, and its compressive strength makes it especially useful ? and highly prized ...

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This Dazzling Aurora Will Help Narrow Down The Search For Alien Life

Auroras are among the most captivating phenomena on Earth, brightening polar skies with undulating ribbons of glowing charged particles. These eerie light shows have also b...

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This Satellite Is Sending Amazing Images Of Earth – And Protecting Us From Solar Flares

A million miles from Earth, a new satellite with a long history is now keeping an eye on both our own planet and the particles flowing from the sun. The satellite, position...

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Global is the new local: Pollution changes clouds, climate downstream

The residents of Beijing and Delhi are not the only ones feeling the effects of Asian air pollution ? an unwanted by product of coal-fired economic development. The contine...

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Air pollution caused fall in monsoon rains, says study

Emissions produced by human activity over the past 50 years have caused decline of the annual monsoon rainfall, on which billions of people - including in India - depend, a...

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Global Warming has Temporarily 'Paused' due to Climate Fluctuations and Weaker Solar Irradiance

Global warming has been temporarily 'paused' according to a group of scientists, who attribute this interlude to climate fluctuations and a more restrained sun. Researchers...

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Air we breathe is dense with pollutants

Level of air pollution in the city is higher than it was in previous pre-monsoon assessments. Ambient air quality prior to onset of rains, according to report released by t...

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Solar winds increase lightning strikes on earth

A new study suggests that lightning on earth is triggered by energy particles from the Sun. Now, researchers at Reading University have discovered a link between increased ...

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Geranium root is potent HIV-1 killer

Washington: A new study has found that extracts of the geranium plant Pelargonium sidoides inactivate human immunodeficiency virus type 1(HIV-1) and prevent the virus from ...

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