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Obama’s Steep New Emissions Rules Praised As ‘Great Advance,’ Scorned As ‘Power Grab’

President Obama's introduction of the final draft of his Clean Power Plan on Monday was met with mixed responses, as the White House hailed the proposal as their "biggest a...

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White House Set To Adopt Sweeping Curbs On Carbon Pollution

The Obama administration will formally adopt an ambitious regulation for cutting greenhouse-gas pollution on Monday, requiring every state to reduce emissions from coal-bur...

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After Two Big Triumphs For Obama, The Supreme Court Declines To Give Him A Trifecta On Climate Change

The US Supreme Court today backed away from delivering president Barack Obama another big triumph, ruling against one of his primary tools to combat climate change.

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White House Issues Veto Threats For Two GOP Environment Bills

The White House has threatened to veto two GOP measures taking aim at Obama administration climate efforts. Lawmakers will consider Wednesday a bill from Rep. Ed Whitfield ...

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Akon To Launch First Solar Academy In Africa

Akon and Akon Lighting Africa initiative have just announced the creation of a “Solar Academy” to develop skills and expertise in sustainable energy in Africa. ...

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Japan Sees Clean Energy Edging Out Nuclear Power In 2030

Japan anticipates that by 2030 clean energy such as solar and hydro will generate slightly more of the nation’s electricity than nuclear power plants. Clean energy so...

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Delhi’s Waste-To-Energy Plants ‘Toxic, Costly, Inefficient’

Waste-to-energy incineration plants may not help Delhi deal with its massive trash problem. They may instead end up adding to its air pollution and cost the government a su...

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US To Cut 28 Percent Of Greenhouse Gas Emissions By 2025

The United States began to outline today how it will achieve the goal of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 28 percent by the end of 2025. In a submission to the UN Framew...

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Will Companies Solve Climate Change Before Countries?

I just spent a week at the 15th Annual Delhi Sustainable Development Summit in India, a four-day eco-extravaganza for hundreds of participants from government, business, ac...

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Reprocessing Nuclear Fuel Key to Tackling Climate Change'

With climate change posing a real threat, the need is to develop closed nuclear fuel cycle power plants to prepare for the future, R Chidambaram, Principal Scientific Advis...

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