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How Will Climate Change Affect Business?

Is climate change speeding up? A new study by James Hansen, perhaps the world?s foremost climate scientist, and 16 co-authors suggests that ice shelves and glaciers in Gree...

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This App Shows How Climate Change Is Affecting The World Around You

You may live closer to a earthquake zone than you think You?ve heard about what climate change is doing the arctic and to the sea levels around the world. But sometimes it ...

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Meet The Only Prominent GOP Presidential Candidate Who Accepts Climate Science

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) announced that he?s running for President on Monday, officially becoming the ninth declared Republican candidate. Of all of them, he?s only one o...

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Selling Out Of Fossil Fuels No Solution For Climate Change

Institutional investors are under increasing pressure to divest their holdings in fossil fuel-related companies. A network of concerned activists are seeking to focus atten...

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Millions at risk from rapid sea rise in Sundarbans

The tiny hut sculpted out of mud at the edge of the sea is barely large enough for Bokul Mondol and his family to lie down. The water has taken everything else from them, a...

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Climate change pushes India's poorest children into slavery - Satyarthi

Disasters resulting from climate change are pushing poor Indian families into poverty so deep that they are lured by traffickers into selling their children into bonded lab...

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Here's How Greenland's Melting Ice Sheet Is Contributing to Rising Sea Levels

If the entire Greenland ice sheet, which covers 656,000 square miles, were to melt, it would pour enough water into the world's oceans to raise global sea levels by about 2...

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Ed Davey voices concerns over likelihood of strong climate change agreement

Energy and climate change secretary Ed Davey has revealed that the UK will be seeking a legally binding climate change agreement at negotiations later this year. However, h...

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Why Increasing Antarctic Sea Ice Doesn't Mean Climate Change Isn't Happening

Antarctic sea ice reached a record high this year, topping 20 million square kilometers (nearly 8 million square miles) in September - a milestone it hadn't touched since 1...

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