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How Will Climate Change Affect Business?

Is climate change speeding up? A new study by James Hansen, perhaps the world?s foremost climate scientist, and 16 co-authors suggests that ice shelves and glaciers in Gree...

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True Review Movie - Minions

Critic’s Rating : 2.5 Stars
Cast: Pierre Coffin, Sandra Bullock, Jon Hamm, Michael Keaton, Allison Janney, ...

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Part Of Antarctica Suddenly Started Melting At A Rate Of 14 Trillion Gal. A Year

Sometime in 2009, a long-stable, glacier-filled region in Antarctica suddenly began to melt. Fast. A team of scientists with the University of Bristol made the alarming obs...

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A 10,000-Year-Old Ice Shelf in Antarctica Is Disintegrating

What’s left of Antarctica’s Larsen B Ice Shelf, at least 10,000 years old and 27 times the size of Manhattan, is weakening quickly and likely to disintegrate wi...

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Global warming documentary to close Cannes Film Festival

The global warming documentary ?Ice and Sky? will close out the 68th Cannes Film Festival. The French festival announced the selection Thursday, calling the film ?a hymn to...

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Surgical Anesthesia May Act As Greenhouse Gases, Contributing To Global Warming

Releases of anesthetic gases are beginning to accumulate in the earth’s atmosphere in increasing amounts, contributing on a small scale to climate change. According t...

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From The Archive, 31 March 1995: First Ozone Hole Found Over Arctic

Meteorologists and atmospheric chemists have watched in alarm as a similarly explosive mixture to the Antarctic vortex has been assembled in the Arctic For the first time, ...

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Animation Shows Alarming Trend in the Arctic Ocean

No, it's not an ultrasound of someone's internal organs. Its sea ice in the Arctic Ocean melting because of climate change. ?Scientists have been using satellites to monito...

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Climate shift in the Pacific may accelerate global warming

With 2014 likely to be declared the world's hottest year on record, the last thing the planet needs is a climate shift to turbo-charge the global warming already under way....

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Irreversible But Not Unstoppable: The Ghost Of Climate Change Yet To Come

Unlike Scrooge, we don?t get a spirit to show us what the future holds if we don?t change our ways. That?s what we have science for. In recent years, observations have conf...

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