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Another News Story of the Syrian Refugee Crisis

For European cinema, in particular, films about Europe’s migrant crisis run the risk of being artful and ...

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Women Open up about Sexuality and Pleasure

In November 2016, Chelsea Beck left her job as an assistant curator at The Broad Museum in downtown Los Angeles...

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All the World’s a Stage, Not in Mumbai Theatre at Least

Frankly, theatre didn’t prove to be that long-cherished platform to tell a story which was of some value to me – a story about a pre-teen boy who was saved from...

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Ordinary People making Extraordinary Changes

In our everyday lives, we often overlook the heroes we come across in our everyday life. While celebrating the success of fictional heroes t...

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Best Practices: Karen Spencer’s Whole Child International

"Look into your own heart, discover what it is that gives you pain and refuse, under any circumstances whatsoev...

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Boost Your Health By Being Creative

“If you hear a voice within you say, ‘You cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that vo...

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Now Human Eggs Can Be Grown In A Lab

In a first of its kind study, scientists from the United States and the United Kingdom have revealed that they were able to grow human eggs ...

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The Great Dying is not What You Think It Is

Somehow, most of the life on Earth perished in a brief moment of geologic time roughly 250 million years ago. S...

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The Fake News Phenomenon

A few years ago, who would have known 'fake news' could be the means of earning a livelihood. Click baits and fake news are not a new phenom...

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Bill Gates aims for a Cleaner Planet

Bill Gates is a name that you will come across quite often when it comes to philanthropy and saving the planet. Thanks to Bill Gates' fundin...

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