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If This Part Of Antarctica Collapses, Sea Levels Could Rise 10 Feet

The scientists specifically looked at a region of Antarctica called the Amundsen Sea sector, and projected what the consequences would be if the ice there broke apart and d...

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Just Because Antarctica Might Be Gaining Ice Doesn't Mean Climate Change Isn't Happening

The study, published in the Journal of Glaciology, analyzed satellite data from two time periods. It concludes that during both periods, the amount of snow gained on the co...

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Forecasters In Indonesia Underestimated How Much El Ni?o Would Worsen Massive Forest Fires

Indonesia's forecasters underestimated the El Ni?o weather event that has worsened the country's massive forest fires, which are blanketing Southeast Asia in a noxious, car...

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Those Plumes Of Methane Leaking Off The Coast Of Washington Are Really Bad News For The Oceans

As the oceans absorb greater amounts of carbon dioxide from human-caused emissions, the waters off Washington and Oregon have become more acidic. That has forced some comme...

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Indonesia's Fires Are Emitting More Carbon Pollution Than The Entire US Economy

More than 115,000 fires are burning across the Southeast Asian nation, most of them on the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan, according to the Global Fire Emissions Databas...

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Climate Change Could Hurt Global Economy: Study Finds Link Between Global Warming And Productivity.

A new study threw gas into the flames of climate change debates. Three economists from Stanford University and the University of California (UC) in Berkeley looked into the...

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Climate Change Could Hurt Global Economy: Study Finds Link Between Global Warming And Productivity.

A new study threw gas into the flames of climate change debates. Three economists from Stanford University and the University of California (UC) in Berkeley looked into the...

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These Nations Might Have The Most To Lose With A Global Climate Deal

So far, more than 120 countries have made detailed pledges for reducing emissions to the United Nations before the Paris conference in early December. Those countries repre...

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These Businesses Have Signed A White House Pledge To Address Climate Change

Eighty-one corporations have signed the American Business Act on Climate pledge, which is intended to combat international climate change and consolidate a business-friendl...

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These Oil And Gas Companies Say It’s Time To Address Climate Change

With a key global summit to fight climate change less than two months away, ten of the world’s largest fossil fuel companies called on Friday for an “effective&...

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