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Do We Know What Our Children Want?

"There's always room for a story that can transport people to another place."

J.K. Rowling


Over the last one century or so, ordin...

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Tired Hands, Weary Feet

‘Slavery is legally banned. But millions of India’s children live and work in slave labour conditions — bonded labour,...

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Climate Finance Dispute Prompts Bangladesh To Return £13m of UK AID

Millions of pounds of climate change aid to Bangladesh has been returned unspent to the British government following a long-running dispute over its delivery. Academics and...

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Here’s How School Craft Projects Of 5000 School Children Will Soon Benefit Underprivileged Kids

Art and crafts lessons in schools are considered very important to the psychological development of students. These classes allow children to unleash their creativity and m...

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No Mother Left Behind: How Conflict Exacerbates The Global Maternal Health Challenge

DOT-MOM No Mother Left Behind: How Conflict Exacerbates the Global Maternal Health Challenge November 7, 2016 By Nancy Chong AMISOM-clinic Since the end of World War II, th...

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Habitat Iii: How India Is Working Towards Building Liveable Cities

Indian urban planners, architects, activists and thinkers are working on interesting, though not widely known, projects in different parts of the country In the UN’s ...

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11 Health Innovations To Drastically Cut Maternal And Child Mortality Rates

Achieving the ambitious target to end maternal and child deaths, enshrined in the sustainable development goals (SDGs), will require ingenuity. The good news is that 11 hea...

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Wonder Woman Honorary Ambassador For The Empowerment Of Women And Girls

Wonder Woman, the iconic superhero, has been named an Honorary Ambassador for the Empowerment of Women and Girls by the United Nations and will be tasked with raising aware...

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Gutsy Women Sarpanchs & Teachers In Haryana Come Together To Lift The Veil On Regressive Practices

In Haryana, which has the worst sex ratio in the country and where khap panchayats often flout the laws of the land, women remain underrepresented in al...

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Mobile Diagnostic Device That Helps Pregnant Women In Rural India Receive Timely Medical Attention

A six-page report published in September by the established UK medical journal Lancet provided some shocking figures about maternal mortality in India. It revealed that in ...

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